Three types of columns
were used in two different experiments to determine the influence
of macropores and preferred channels on biodegradation of p-nitrophenol
(PNP). The first set of experiments used one column that contained
a single vertical artificial macropore with a diameter of 0.7 mm.
The column was 5 cm in diameter and length. The macropore was an
open cylindrical channel embedded in a homogeneous silt-loam soil
with a < 0.1 mm pore fraction. Separate fibreglass wicks (0.6
mm diameter, 50 cm length) where used to sample the effluent near
the macropore and in the surrounding soil matrix. The wicks were
checked and found not to sorb organic chemicals. The biodegradation
of PNP was tested using two different influent rates; a high application
rate of 10 mg/L at 36 cm/day for the entire column resulting in
apparent Darcy velocities of 2.5 cm/h for the macropore region and
1.3 cm/h for the matrix region. After 10 days the same column was
subjected to a lower application rate of 10 mg/L at 16 cm/day, resulting
in apparent Darcy velocities of 0.5 cm/h for the macropore region
and 0.7 cm/h for the matrix region.
The lower macropore velocity
was attributed to the lack of preferential flow near the macropore
due to the lower application rate. Also, microbial acclimation for
PNP biodegradation was tested at two temperatures, 25oC and 21oC.
The break-through curves
for the matrix and macropore region is shown in Fig. 1 for high
and low application rates of PNP. For the high application rate,
the breakthrough curve for the macropore region occurred slightly
before the matrix region and the peak concentration was obtained
several hours earlier. For the low application rate, preferential
flow did not occur. However, in the vicinity of the macropore, effluent
was collected. Again the peak concentration of PNP was slightly
higher than the matrix region, even though preferential flow was
not generated.

Figure 1. PNP breakthrough curves in macropore and matrix regions.
Biodegradation of PNP in the matrix and macropore region is illustrated
in Fig. 2. For the high application rate, the biodegradation rate
increased faster in the macropore region compared with the matrix
region. However, the macropore region required greater time until
PNP was no longer present due to the higher flux. The importance
of temperature is suggested by the higher peak PNP concentration
for the low temperature (21oC). Presumably, the initial growth rate
of microbes was slower at low temperature, allowing an initially
higher concentration of PNP to pass through. At the high flow rate
and high temperature, the biodegradation rates are greater and increase
more rapidly than at low flow rates and temperatures.
A second set of experiments
were conducted on paired sets of homogeneous and heterogeneous soil
columns (4.1 cm diameter, 15 cm length). The homogeneous columns
consisted of < 1.0 mm pore-fraction silt-loam. The heterogeneous
columns contained a vertical channel of higher conductivity soil
(1.7 - 2.0 mm fraction) surrounded by a soil matrix of the lower
conductivity soil (0.6 to 1.0 mm fraction). Several different water
velocities were used. Once again, the biodegradation rate was more
rapid in columns with the channels than in the homogeneous soil
columns. As the flow rate increased, the difference in biodegradation
rates between the heterogeneous and homogeneous columns was more

Figure 2. Biodegradation rates of PNP in macropore and matrix regions.
Preferential Flow